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RONY purba & partners

Real Solutions, Real Fast!

Mengapa Memilih Kami.

Dengan Pengalaman yang luas kami, Kami hadir disini untuk memberikan keahlian hukum yang seluas-luasnya. dengan pengalaman mulai dari permasalahan hukum perusahaan & komersial, litigasi, penyelesaian persilisihandan hubungan industrial.

Kami percaya bahwa pendekatan yang dibuat khusus menawarkan manfaat yang berfokus pada hasil, responsif dan berorientasi pada kepentingan klien.

Kami percaya pada efetifitas dan efisiensi.fokusnya harus pada memberika hasil, bukan hanya mengejar biaya yang dapat ditagih. tim kami berdedikasi untuk berusaha menghasilkan yang terbaik bagi klien kami.

Efesiensi biaya yang kami tawarkan mencerminkan komitmen kami terhadap transparansi dan akuntabilitas

Our Services

What We Provide

A Bankruptcy and delays in dept repayment policies

Its Our team members are certified as curators and administrators registered with the Indonesian Association and Curators and Administrators (AKPI). In this field of practice, we have experience in resolving bankruptcy proceedings and credit restructuring cases (PKPU) in the Commercial Count.

company LAW

We provide legal dealing with corporate legal Issues, such as making shareholder agreements, company establishment, mergers, acquisitions, liquiditions and other company activities, including settlement of bad debts, for this service we can provide retainer service, or project basis

licenses and permits

Its one of the main practices of the RPP is to providing licensing and permit processing services to supprt various business activities, such as business permits, operational permits, work permits, machinery and equipment permits, export-import permits, investment permits. and others. in addition, RPP also has members who are experts in the field of intellectual property rights. Therefore, we can provide consulting and manage a portpolio of intellectual property rights including registration, display. claim and cancellation.

court proceedingS

We provide legal services to as experienced advocates, we are always ready to represent our clients for the settlement process both inside and/or outside the court process. We have been involved in representing clients in various matters including criminal cases, civil disputes, commercial disputes and family disputes. we believe in and will strive to promote amicable resolution, in addition to dispute resolution through litigation

land acquisition

Properties such as land and buildings are highly valued important assets, Therefore, in conducting business transactions involved properties (land, buildings and other relevant assets). need preparation and in-depth analysis from the legal aspects, in order to anticipate potential problems that may arise from the transaction. in essential cases, we can assist the Client to conduct legal due diligence an all relevant legal documents and assist with all negotiation processes.

Bankrupty and Delays in Dept Repayment Policies

  1. China Gezhouba group
  2. PT. Cahayabaru Raya Realty
  3. PT. Green Gas Energi
  4. PT. NorthCliff Indonesia
  5. PT Tawun Gegunung Energi
  6. Sanityoso Rumantyo
  7. Koperasi Pandawa
  8. PT. Greaty Sukses Abadi
  9. PT/ Emco Asset Management
  10. First Travel
  11. PT. Prakarsa Semesta Alam


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